The main objective of the capacity building program is to establish a continuous process of engagement of the various stakeholders and the CLDH, to achieve common objectives of human development, local economic development and inclusion at the territorial level. It is also a question of strengthening their governance through dialogue, coordination and collaboration between public and private actors and giving more room for maneuver to civil society at the local level to allow synergy between initiatives and visions in order to ensure success and maximize the impact on human and economic development at the local level.
It is therefore a question of presenting a complete support and capacity building offer that is in harmony with the vision of the Three-Year Training and Skills Building Strategy of the INDH ecosystem (SFRC), which will be likely to help local actors in decision-making by developing their skills on the key issues of this Phase III (mainly the CLDHs) and to strengthen the organizational performance of the CLDHs, their coordination and harmonize their visions.
Overall Objectives of the INDH Local Ecosystem Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Program
This technical assistance and capacity building program is made up of three sub-programs and has the following overall objectives:
Contribute to building the capacities of CLDHs in territorial planning, so as to guarantee the conditions for the success of the process of programming, implementation and monitoring-evaluation of the multi-year programs of the INDH
Provide the CLDHs, mainly their presidents, with the necessary tools and skills to enable them to succeed in the missions and roles of the CLDHs planned and defined by the Ministry of the Interior (CN-INDH and DGCT)
Meet the requirements of the missions of the heads of circles in terms of coordination of development actions at the territorial level, assistance and advice in municipal and inter-municipal affairs, as provided for in the legal texts governing their work
Support local actors in the INDH ecosystem to ensure the development of skills related to the axes of Phase III of the INDH
Capitalize, share and disseminate know-how, methods and technical tools for building the capacities of local actors in territorial planning.
Summary of sub-programs:
Sub-Program 1:is called "Technical assistance in the development of decision support tools", and aims to acquire the methods necessary for the development of strategic decision-making tools (territorial or sectoral diagnoses, development program, GIS, BDD, etc.) and the preparation of target actors for the management and updating these tools, it concerns the actors managing and designing decision-making tools, the collection and entry of territorial data: in particular the heads of circles (presidents of the CLDH),the civil servants (administrators) of the circles in charge of the INDH program and the referents of the DAS.
Sub-Program 2: relating to "Management techniques for territorial development programs and projects"aims to improve the necessary skills, target actors, to build, lead and evaluate a territorial development project and mainly targetsINDH program managers at the provincial/prefectural level, Heads of circles or their representatives as well as civil servants (administrators) of the circles in charge of INDH.
Sub-Program 3 is called "Social and solidarity economy", provides the keys to the analysis needed to understand the local economic context and the local fabric of the SSE, to apprehend and apply the territorial approach and its support tools put in place by the INDH for the development of SSE at the local level, These training workshops target the heads of provincial and prefectural services (DAS) in charge of Program 3 “income improvement, economic inclusion of young people through the SSE”as well as the presidents of CLDH. These actors are involved, taking into account the objectives and specificities of Program 3 of the INDH, in the realization and success of this type of project in their territories (Cercles/Provinces/prefectures). These same actors, in addition to the permanent support of cooperatives, associations, young project leaders, local economic their territories, must ensure the operational monitoring and the continuous evaluation of the achievements of the actions.
Preliminary work and Activities carried out in consultation with the CN-INDH Central Team
Prior work of the Targa Teams (May and June 2021)
Reflection workshops and working meetings on the development of the performance, skills and capacities of the INDH ecosystem for the achievement of the strategic objectives of Phase III;
Consultation and enrichment of training plans for CLDH presidents and possibly DAS structures;
Explain the strategic orientations of Phase III of the INDH, the missions of its governance bodies at the local level, and the breakdown of these orientations into competences;
Validation of the content of the 3 Sub-Programs and the CRP Modules (May 2021).
Updating and writing manuals and content for the capacity building and technical assistance program: (June, July and September 2021)
Updating of 6 Guides (Program and Project Management Modules, on the participatory approach and culture of participation, on Communication and Advocacy techniques, etc.)
Drafting of 5 new Guides (Guides: ESS, Diagnosis Establishment Techniques, etc.);
Preparations of Technical Tools (Database of 203 Circles and Cartography);
Preparation of tutorials, tool sheets and evaluation sheets.
Preparation of the Scoping Note (which specifies the following elements):
The overall and specific objectives of the Technical Assistance and Skills Building Program for the local ecosystem of the INDH,
Specifies the overall Training and Technical Assistance Program (Three sub-programs),
Specifies the scope and beneficiaries (Targets),
The Modules offered according to the expected needs and objectives,
The mode of governance of the technical assistance and skills building program,
Program evaluation methods.
Consolidation and validation of the framework note, the content of the proposed training, the timetable and the proposals for this capacity building and technical assistance program by the CN-INDH: (September 2021)
Sending of the first version of the note (Targa team): August 08, 2021,
Receipt of comments from the CN-INDH: August 24, 2021,
Submission of the modified version of the concept note (Targa team): August 31, 2021,
Validation of the framework note by the Wali CN-INDH: September 20, 2021.
Printing Guides:
Development and validation of the graphic charter (October 2021);
Choice of publishing house for printing the guides (November 2021) (printing is in progress);
Work and design workshops with the printing teams (November and December 2021).
Progress report of Sub-Program 1: “Technical assistance for the establishment of decision support tools”
a - Launch of activities at the national level:
After the validation of the framework note and the choice of the three pilot Regions for the start of Sub-Programme 1 "Technical assistance for the development of decision-making tools", kick-off meetings were held with the Regions of Béni Mellal-Khenifra, Daraa-Tafilalet and Marrakech-Safi, in order to present this program for strengthening the skills of the local ecosystem of the INDH, to discuss its stages and the methods of its implementation and to set the dates official launches at the regional level.
b - Launch of activities at the regional level:
Once the kick-off meetings at the central level have been carried out, meetings and workshops at the regional level have taken place with the three pilot regions, which aim to inform the provincial teams and prepare them on the stages of this program and to fix a calendar for the provincial meetings and also to involve them and sensitize them on the importance of this program.
c - Workshops at the level of the Provinces of the Pilot Regions
The objective of these workshops is to prepare the presidents of the CLDH (Heads of Circles) and the provincial officials for the deployment of the Sub-Programme "Technical assistance for the development of decision-making tools" at the CLDH level. of the provinces.
These launch workshops also covered the following elements:
Present the INDH Local Ecosystem Skills Building Program as a whole;
Introduce the Technical Assistance Sub-Program, its tools and modules;
Raise awareness among all stakeholders of the importance of this program and the tools that will be shared;
Make an inventory of the prerequisites (IT and HR equipment);
Define a deployment schedule in consultation with the Circle Leaders and provincial officials (to be able to provide the Circles with the necessary equipment);
Discuss the Targa human resources that will be mobilized in this program (GIS-Carto Engineers, CP) and the DAS referents who will travel to the circles to attend the training.
d - Conduct of training in the regions:
The "Technical assistance for the development of decision-making tools" sub-program (composed of 3 Modules: Mapping, BDD and territorial diagnostic techniques), the training is spread over 5 to 6 days of training, i.e. an average of a maximum of two days per module, and all these training courses take place at the headquarters of the Cercles (local technical assistance).
Below is an overview of the progress in the Marrakech-Safi region:
Table 3 State of progress Marrakech Safi Region:
e - Prerequisites: Activities carried out in the 7 other Regions benefiting from this program:
In order to repair the generalization of this first technical assistance sub-program, work to prepare tools and regional teams was carried out in the following regions:
Casablanca-Settat, GOD, Tangier-Tetouan-El Hoceima, the Oriental, Fez – Meknes, Souss – Massa and Rabat – Salé – Kenitra.
The BDD-Circles grouping together all the data collected at the level of these territories (100%);
Circle Cards and Common Cards (of all basic equipment) (100%);
Working sessions with the Heads of Circles (at Circle level) to submit these maps and make the necessary corrections (100%);
The Teams of Regional Engineers / Provincial Coordinators of Targa trained on this Sub-Program 1;
The information relating to the prerequisites necessary in all the Cercles of these regions is collected: IT equipment + Human resources (except for the two regions of Tangier-Tetouan-El Hoceima and the Oriental Region where the collection of information is in progress)